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Europa Films © All Rights Reserved.
Hungary / Europa Network


Hungary boasts a wide spectrum of picturesque locales ideal for filming endeavors, ranging from the awe-inspiring architectural marvels of Budapest to the undulating hills of its countryside. Budapest, the enchanting capital, stands as a preferred filming location, having adeptly masqueraded as numerous other cities in the past, owing to its amalgamation of architectural styles. Moreover, the country is graced with an abundance of castles, palaces, and historic edifices that serve as splendid period backdrops. Additionally, Hungary presents a cornucopia of contemporary urban settings, as well as natural landscapes comprising serene lakes, majestic mountains, and lush forests.


Europa Films is one of the most solid full service production networks in Europe. Our local producers provide the most professional and cost effective solutions possible. We have worked with the largest production houses and agencies all over Europe, and produced everything from Feature Films, Commercials, Documentaries and TV-Series.


Permits / Clients


To embark on filming ventures in Hungary, obtaining a filming permit from the esteemed National Film Office is imperative. The application process is straightforward, and the office demonstrates commendable responsiveness to requests. However, it is crucial to note that specific locations may necessitate supplementary permits or permissions, such as filming in public spaces or historic edifices. It is always prudent to liaise with local authorities and secure any requisite permits well in advance. We are delighted to offer our assistance throughout the application process and provide guidance with the necessary paperwork! The country's relatively economical cost of living, when juxtaposed with other European destinations, renders it an enticing choice for production budgets.


We have a vast experience in working with a great variety of clients. We've produced everything from small scale documentaries to large scale commericials and feature films. Also we've worked directly with agencies as Saatchi, McCann and DDB & some of the most prominent production companies and continously directy towards client's in-house marketing departments.

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Europa Films is composed by a network of established companies, all experts in their own country. Because of this we can keep competitive prices and costumize each project exactly according to the needs of our clients.

No project is too small or too big, and our contacts reach far into the industry web. We can manage everything from sigle crew members to lead our costumers through the intricate paperwork of tax incentives and cash-back systems of each country.

For specific questions regarding each country email us and we'll proivde you with the information you need in order to manage your specific project.


Film Production & Service

Our producers all around Europe has experience with a vast amount of types of project. We have produced everything from featrue films, large commercial campaigns, documentaries, tv-series, and kinds of smaller scale productions.

We have collaborated directly with agencies as F&B, McCann, DDB, Saatchi, Leo Burnett & Wieden+Kennedy etc. Also done service for some of the most prominent European advertising production companies.

Europa Films and its collaborator both produces their own material, and manages a large amout of service producions throughout Europe.

Shooting in Several Countries

Through our strong network of local producers we continously set up film shoots for crossing through several countries. We provide you with the most fluent and cost effective logistical solutions possible, when setting up cross-coutry shoots.

For larger projects we can also help to set up cash-back systems through several countries, and wherever possible make sure we use local incentives in order to get as much possible out of the specific venture.

Contact Europa Films HQ
+46 733 111 444

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